Friday, 20 September 2019

Cari Proyektor..? ini pilihannya

1. Hitachi ED-32X

Cari Proyektor..? ini pilihannya, 4 pilihan Proyektor, Hitachi, ViewSonic, Canon, Benq

Fitur :

Bila dalam waktu tertentu gambar dari input proyektor tidak berubah, maka lampu akan meredup dengan sendirinya sehingga menghemat listrik dan memperpanjang umur lampu.

Template Function
Proyektor menyediakan gambar latar garis-garis, kotak-kotak, maupun bola dunia yang langsung bisa ditulisi apabila kita menggunakan papan tulis sebagai layar.

My Screen
Pada saat proyektor dinyalakan atau bila tidak ada input yang dihubungkan, maka proyektor akan menampilkan gambar/logo dari perusahaan/pemilik proyektor tersebut, sehingga akan ketahuan jika proyektor tersebut adalah hasil pencurian/penggelapan.

PIN Lock
Sistem proteksi pada proyektor yang mengharuskan pengguna untuk memasukkan 4 nomor pin yang benar agar dapat menampilkan gambar dari input yang terhubung pada proyektor.

Kensington Lock dan Security Bar
Kensington Lock: Lubang untuk kunci Kensington yang dilengkapi dengan kawat baja sehingga menjaga keamanan proyektor agar tidak mudah dicuri.

Security Bar: Lubang untuk memasukkan rantai yang bisa diberi gembok, menambah keamanan proyektor.

2. ViewSonic LS620X

Cari Proyektor..? ini pilihannya, 4 pilihan Proyektor, Hitachi, ViewSonic, Canon, Benq

Fitur :

Menampilkan resolusi 1024x768 XGA dan kecerahan 3.200 lumen, proyektor laser jarak dekat ViewSonic® LS620X adalah solusi proyeksi ideal untuk lingkungan pendidikan. Dirancang dengan sumber cahaya laser fosfor yang tahan hingga 25.000 jam, dan mesin optik bersegel dan filter udara gelombang yang melindungi dari debu dan kelembaban, proyektor ini memberikan penggunaan jangka panjang, hampir bebas perawatan untuk setiap kelas. Dengan rasio lemparan pendek 0,61 dan keystoning vertikal, LS620X menjadikan instalasi pengalaman yang tidak repot. Terlebih lagi, rasio lemparan pendek memungkinkan Anda menempatkan proyektor hanya beberapa meter dari dinding atau layar untuk memberi Anda gambar besar dengan biaya lebih murah daripada layar berukuran sebanding. Sertifikasi Crestron dan AMX memberikan kemampuan manajemen jaringan, sementara teknologi SuperColor ™ eksklusif menawarkan rentang warna yang lebih luas untuk gambar yang nyata di kelas mana pun.

Dirancang dengan sumber cahaya laser fosfor yang tahan hingga 25.000 jam, proyektor ini menghasilkan penggunaan jangka panjang dan tanpa perawatan untuk keseluruhan biaya kepemilikan keseluruhan yang lebih rendah.

Teknologi SuperColor ™ ViewSonic yang eksklusif memiliki roda warna 6-segmen eksklusif dan kemampuan kontrol lampu dinamis, memberikan rentang warna yang luas dan gambar yang sangat indah.

Admin TI dapat memantau, menjadwalkan, dan mengelola proyektor dari jarak jauh, serta menerima peringatan status proyektor, dengan sistem Crestron® e-Control ™ terintegrasi dan perangkat lunak manajemen RoomView Express ™. Karena proyektor ini bersertifikasi Crestron® dan AMX®, admin TI dapat mengontrol dan memantau proyektor untuk berbagai ukuran kampus atau perusahaan.

Lensa lemparan pendek memungkinkan gambar besar diproyeksikan dari jarak dekat di kamar kecil. Selain itu, setiap lampu yang menyilaukan di depan presenter, mengganggu bayangan pada gambar yang diproyeksikan, atau hotspot yang menyilaukan di layar, semuanya dihilangkan karena sumber cahaya proyektor lebih dekat ke permukaan proyeksi.

Dengan output pemicu 12v yang terintegrasi, proyektor ini dapat dihubungkan ke layar proyeksi bermotor melalui kabel 12v. Layar akan otomatis lebih rendah saat proyektor dihidupkan, dan secara otomatis dinaikkan ketika proyektor dimatikan.

Dilengkapi dengan HDMI terbaru, proyektor ini sangat cocok untuk menghubungkan ke perangkat yang mendukung HDMI, dan dapat menampilkan gambar 3D langsung dari pemutar Blu-ray 3D. Gambar 3D dapat dilihat dengan Kacamata Rana ViewSonic PGD-350 opsional, atau kacamata 3D kompatibel lainnya.

ViewSonic menawarkan salah satu jaminan proyektor terbaik keseluruhan industri dengan suku cadang dan tenaga kerja terbatas 3 tahun, sumber cahaya 1 tahun, dan layanan Express Exchange® gratis tahun pertama * untuk nilai tambah bernilai hingga $ 150 **.

* Layanan Express Exchange® Satu tahun memerlukan registrasi produk. ** Nilai tambah hingga $ 150 dibandingkan model kompetitif dengan garansi 1 tahun dan berdasarkan perpanjangan garansi dari produsen dan bukan penyedia garansi pihak ketiga.

3. Canon LV-X320

Cari Proyektor..? ini pilihannya, 4 pilihan Proyektor, Hitachi, ViewSonic, Canon, Benq

Fitur :

LV-X320 adalah model yang ringan dan ringkas, hanya seberat 2,5kg, sehingga mudah diangkut dan disiapkan. Model layar lebar XGA ini juga menampilkan reproduksi warna semarak yang sudah disempurnakan dan biaya operasi yang lebih rendah berkat fitur air-filter-free (bebas filter udara), yang memungkinkan bisnis dan pengguna akhir menghadirkan hasil optimal dengan biaya minimal.

Kecerahan: 3200 lumens
Rasio kontras 10000:1 untuk keterbacaan yang luar biasa
XGA (1024 x 768 piksel)

Teknologi BrilliantColor™
Untuk kualitas gambar yang prima, LV-X320 dilengkapi dengan teknologi BrilliantColor™, yang menggunakan algoritme pemrosesan warna baru untuk memastikan warna yang lebih realistis dan tepat. Proyektor LV yang baru tidak menyatukan roda 4-warna melainkan roda 6-warna untuk reproduksi warna yang lebih kaya dan cerah. Pada sejumlah kasus, bilamana pengguna harus memproyeksikan pada dinding yang berwarna bukan pada permukaan putih, fitur Screen Colour membantu untuk mengoreksi warna gambar agar sesuai dengan warna permukaan yang diproyeksikan.

Pemeliharaan Minimal untuk Ketahanan Maksimal
Dilengkapi dengan pemasangan sistem lampu yang tidak memerlukan filter udara, biaya pemeliharaan dan operasi berkurang secara signifikan. Lampunya pun awet dan tahan lama, dan apabila digunakan dalam eco-mode, memiliki masa pakai sekitar 6000 jam.

Antarmuka MHL
Pengguna dapat menghubungkan dan memproyeksikan gambar secara langsung dari ponsel cerdas atau tablet yang kompatibel melalui antarmuka MHL. Hal ini khususnya berguna untuk ruang kelas dan presentasi.

4. Benq Home Entertainment Projector dengan 3200lm, Mode Football | TH683

Cari Proyektor..? ini pilihannya, 4 pilihan Proyektor, Hitachi, ViewSonic, Canon, Benq

Fitur :

Mode Gambar dan Suara Football
Mode Gambar Football memberikan warna kulit yang sangat realistis dan rumput hijau yang rimbun untuk proyeksi layar besar yang memesona untuk membuat setiap detik pertandingan tampak begitu menakjubkan, dengan Mode Football (Cerah) yang dioptimalkan khusus untuk lingkungan yang berpenerangan baik. Dan Mode Suara Football memperjelas setiap perkataan komentator, bahkan saat Anda tenggelam dalam kegempitaan sorak-sorai.

Kecerahan Tinggi untuk Pencahayaan Ambien
3200 lumin kecerahan tinggi menampilkan hiburan skala besar pada pengaturan cerah tanpa memadamkan lampu. Sangat ideal untuk ruang tamu dan bahkan pesta di halaman belakang rumah Anda, proyektor berdaya cerah tinggi BenQ memungkinkan teman dan keluarga Anda saling menyukai kehadiran satu sama lain serta acara olahraga dan film.

Performa Visual Full HD yang Spektakuler
Tampilkan konten Full-HD dengan definisi 1080p yang tajam, dan nikmati siaran Blu-ray, video, dan HD dengan kekontrasan tinggi dan kualitas tanpa adanya pengurangan atau kompresi

Teknologi BenQ SmartEco®
Solusi cerdik yang mengintensifkan kesenangan menonton Anda sambil menghemat uang, SmartEco® secara otomatis menyesuaikan kecerahan lampu berdasarkan konten untuk memproyeksikan warna hitam lebih kaya dan meningkatkan kontras untuk detail gambar.

CinemaMaster™ Audio+
CinemaMaster™ mengubah ruangan menjadi home theater kelas dunia dengan teknologi penyempurnaan audio untuk memuaskan para penggemar film. Sistem suara stereo 10 watt seperti speaker yang ditempatkan di ruang suara yang trendi dan algoritma terobosan BenQ Audio Enhancer, yang digunakan oleh studio Hollywood, secara dramatis menyempurnakan bass dan treble untuk suara stereo yang dramatis.

Short Throw untuk Setiap Ruangan
Maksimalkan keseruan layar besar di ruang minimum dengan BenQ TH683 short throw yang hanya memerlukan jarak 2,5 m untuk memproyeksikan gambar 100" yang menakjubkan.

1,3X Big Zoom untuk Gambar Besar di Setiap Ruangan
Zoom besar memaksimalkan ruang yang tersedia dengan berbagai jarak lempar untuk hiburan layar besar tanpa kerumitan instalasi.

Koreksi Keystone Vertikal
Melawan efek trapesium ketika proyektor harus ditempatkan di tengah ruangan, seperti penempatan sederhana di atas meja, fungsi keystone vertikal menyesuaikan gambar untuk gambar yang secara profesional dikuadratkan. Koreksi keystone membuatnya mudah untuk memproyeksikan gambar yang sejajar secara ideal dari berbagai lokasi.

Hiburan Rumah Nirkabel Satu Untuk Semua
Perlengkapan BenQ Nirkabel Full HD mencakup hingga 100’* dengan empat antena canggih untuk pengaliran sejernih kristal, bahkan melalui dinding. Pemasangan dengan proyektor melalui penyetelan satu kali dan tetap berpasangan, latensi nol perlengkapan nirkabel menghadirkan video dan game yang mulus dengan tidak ada lag, dan tombol pengubah frekuensi dinamis untuk memastikan pengaliran yang tegas dan tajam.

* Garis pandang. Jarak transmisi tergantung pada lingkungan yang sebenarnya. Jarak yang disebutkan berdasarkan pada pengukuran garis pandang. Struktur yang terbuat dari baja, kayu, beton, atau batu bata dapat mengurangi jarak transmisi.

Konektivitas MHL
Dengan dukungan teknologi MHL, Anda dapat mengalirkan konten dari ponsel atau tablet secara instan. Cukup hubungkan perangkat Anda melalui kabel MHL dan saksikan pencerminan konten tanpa cela ke layar proyektor.

Desain Antarmuka Pengguna yang Intuitif Dibuat Lebih Cerdas
TH683 dibuat sangat sederhana untuk dioperasikan dengan desain antarmuka pengguna lengkap yang sepenuhnya baru dan mudah bagi siapa pun untuk memahaminya.

BenQ: Merek Proyektor DLP No.1
Pengolahan Cahaya Digital (DLP), yang mendapatkan penghargaan Academy Award of Merit 2015 (piala Oscar®), adalah teknologi proyeksi terkemuka yang digunakan dalam 90% bioskop digital dunia dan 100% teater IMAX. Dengan DLP mendominasi lebih dari 50% pangsa pasar proyektor di seluruh dunia, BenQ saat ini adalah merek proyektor DLP terlaris no. 1, memberikan kinerja kelas dunia yang tiada bandingannya.

Monday, 16 September 2019

4 Pilihan Kamera Mirrorless 20 Jutaan 2019

1. Canon EOS RP

4 Pilihan Kamera Mirrorless 20 Jutaan 2019, Canon EOS RP, Nikon Z6, Fujifilm X-T3 35mmF1.4 Silver, Sony α7S E-mount Camera with Full-Frame Sensor

Rp 22.770.000

Fitur :
Menghadirkan Potensi Baru
Sebagai Kamera Mirrorless Full-Frame teringan dari Canon yang memiliki EVF, EOS RP memiliki sensor CMOS 26,2-megapiksel dan perekaman video 4K UHD*. Dual Sensing IS dapat terwujud berkat teknologi dudukan RF dan prosesor DIGIC 8, pemotretan hingga lima stop kecepatan rana pun dapat dilakukan dengan kamera ini.

Momen yang berlangsung cepat dapat ditangkap dengan kecepatan AF 0,05 detik, pencahayaan minimum kinerja AF hingga EV -5, Eye Detection AF (Servo AF) dan 4.779 titik AF, serta dimaksimalkan dengan teknologi Dual Pixel CMOS AF.

Pengguna baru dengan mudah mengoperasikan seluruh fungsi memanfaatkan Feature Assistant, sedangkan Creative Assist menyediakan preset yang dapat disesuaikan dan diedit di dalam kamera.

Bodi kamera EOS RP yang terbuat dari magnesium alloy sangat ringkas dan ringan. Selain itu, kamera ini didesain untuk tahan terhadap debu dan cairan. Nyaman dan mudah dioperasikan menggunakan layar sentuh LCD Vari-angle, dial fungsi yang tertata dan pegangan yang didesain ergonomis.

  • Sensor CMOS full-frame 26,2MP
  • Kecepatan fokus 0,05 det.
  • 4.779 pilihan area fokus
  • Pencahayaan minimum kinerja AF hingga EV-5
  • Eye Detection AF (One Shot & Servo AF)
  • Focus Bracketing
  • Dual Sensing IS dan Combination IS 

*Output dalam resolusi 4K(UHD).

Dual Pixel Autofocus
Dual Pixel CMOS AF, teknologi khas Canon dimana setiap piksel efektif pada sensor CMOS mampu melakukan dua fungsi, pemfokusan otomatis beda fase dan fungsi imaging. Melalui ini, EOS RP dapat mencari fokus dengan kecepatan hingga 0,05 detik dan memiliki 4.779 pilihan titik AF yang lebih memudahkan Anda ketika mengatur pemotretan.

Pencahayaan minimum kinerja AF hingga EV -5 pada titik fokus sentral menghadirkan fokus yang akurat, bahkan di ruangan yang minim cahaya.

Eye Detection AF
EOS RP dilengkapi Eye Detection AF, yang dapat mendeteksi dan mencari fokus pada mata subjek. Khususnya berguna apabila membidik dengan lensa berdiafragma besar, fokus akan terus tetap terjaga pada mata—ideal untuk pemotretan wajah.

​Fungsi ini juga tersedia pada mode Servo yang berarti Anda sekarang dapat menangkap ekspresi dari subjek yang bergerak. Bayangkan, Anda mewawancarai seorang chef yang sedang memasak, atau merekam pengantin wanita saat berjalan menuju ke pelaminan, dan fokus akan selalu terkunci pada mata ketika mereka bergerak.

Didesain Untuk Fungsionalitas
Dengan berat hanya 485 gram, EOS RP memiliki banyak sekali fitur dalam bodi magnesium alloy yang kecil ini, dan tetap terlindung dari debu dan cairan.

​EOS RP juga dilengkapi dengan jendela bidik elektronik (EVF) OLED beresolusi tinggi, 2,36 juta titik dengan cakupan hingga 100%. Untuk komposisi dengan sudut yang rumit, tersedia layar sentuh LCD Vari-angle berukuran 3,0 inci.

​Bodi kamera dibuat secara sempurna untuk memberikan pegangan yang mantap dan nyaman, bahkan untuk penggunaan dalam waktu yang lama. Dial fungsi dan control ring diposisikan agar mudah dijangkau dan pengguna tidak perlu mengalihkan mata dari subjek sewaktu memotret.

2. Nikon Z6

4 Pilihan Kamera Mirrorless 20 Jutaan 2019, Canon EOS RP, Nikon Z6, Fujifilm X-T3 35mmF1.4 Silver, Sony α7S E-mount Camera with Full-Frame Sensor

Rp 25.123.035

Fitur :
All-around performance.
All-around amazing.
Adaptability. It’s about remaining fluid, open. Preparing for nothing, but being ready for anything. Thriving in whatever situation comes along. The Z 6 is perhaps the most adaptable camera we’ve ever created. It’s at the sweet spot of speed, resolution and low-light performance. All combined with the advantages of a lightweight mirrorless design, a revolutionary new full-frame lens mount with matched lenses and seamless integration with Nikon’s DSLR system—including the F-Mount NIKKOR lenses you love. This is mirrorless versatility as only Nikon could create.
12 FPS
Continuous Shooting
ISO (Expandable to 204,800)
3840x2160 at 30/25/24p

Feels Like a Nikon
As comfortable and familiar as an old friend.

New NIKKOR Z Lenses
The next generation of NIKKOR glass.
Empowered by the larger Z Mount and shorter 16mm flange focal distance, NIKKOR Z lenses gather more light and break traditional rules of the “sweet spot”. Forget about stopping down for maximum sharpness—NIKKOR Z are at their best and deliver corner-to-corner sharpness even at their widest aperture.

Legendary F-Mount NIKKOR Lenses
Greater performance from the lenses you love.
When used with the optional Mount Adapter FTZ, more than 90 F-Mount NIKKOR lenses maintain all of their sharpness, resolving power and functionality and gain the advantages of the Z 6’s in-body VR, silent shooting, PDAF focusing system1, 4K video and more. Approximately 360 F-Mount NIKKOR lenses can be used. Compatibility as only Nikon can deliver.

273-Point Hybrid Af System
Fast, accurate autofocus.

273-Point On-Sensor PDAF
2732 on-sensor AF points cover 90% of the frame (approx.) horizontally and vertically. Subjects are acquired quickly when they enter the frame and tracked throughout the frame, even to the far edges.

New Hybrid Autofocus
Using an AF algorithm optimized for its FX-format sensor, Z 6 automatically switches between focal-plane phase-detect AF and contrast-detect AF to fine-tune focus. The light-shielding phase detection pixels are carefully arranged on the sensor to preserve light, ensuring accurate AF even in dim lighting.

New Subject Tracking
Whether shooting eye-level with the EVF or in Live View with the LCD, Auto Area AF smoothly tracks your subject’s face—even when it’s one among many. The system pays attention to the upper body, too, maintaining focus position when your subject briefly turns away from the camera or moves out of view.

Eye-Detection AF
Eye-Detection AF is a powerful tool for capturing portraits that tracks and locks focus on your subject’s eye not only with AF-S (Single AF) mode, but also with AF-C (Continuous AF) mode—especially useful when your subject keeps changing their pose. Eye-Detection AF is also capable of intelligently recognizing the eyes of multiple people in the frame, giving you the freedom to choose which person and eye to focus on and can even remain locked on eyes that become partially or temporarily obstructed.

Pure Viewing Experience
Just like the real thing.

New 3.6m-Dot Quad VGA Viewfinder
Oh, what a view.
Take an ultra-high resolution QUAD VGA display, add Nikon optics for magnification, including Aspherical lens elements and Fluorine coating, and you’ve got an EVF experience unlike any before it. Minimal lag and blackout, 100% frame coverage (approx.), corner-to-corner clarity and sharp magnification. It has the feel of an optical viewfinder, and you can use it for both stills and videos.

New Icon-Driven Info Display
Keep your eye on the prize.
All relevant info is displayed out of the way and is easy on the eyes. A new customizable menu appears right inside the viewfinder, so you can quickly adjust settings without ever taking your eye off the shot. Focus modes, white balance, exposure, VR settings, Picture Controls, and more—all within eye’s reach. Preview exposure and white balance changes, image stabilization and depth-of-field in real time. You can even review the photo or video you just shot.

In-Body VR Image Stabilization
Steady as it goes.

Up To 5 Stops Of VR Image Stabilization
Powerful in-body 5-axis VR image stabilization is applied to whatever NIKKOR Z lens you’re using. Up to five stops3 of image stabilization in up to five directions—yaw, pitch, roll, X and Y. During video recording, optical VR is combined with electronic VR (e-VR) for even steadier shots. Normal VR mode for static subjects. Sports VR for moving subjects.

VR For F-Mount NIKKOR Lenses
For the first time, F-Mount NIKKOR lenses like the AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/1.4E ED or AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED can benefit from in-body 3-axis VR4. NIKKOR lenses that already have VR, like the AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR, get the added benefit of roll axis for a total of 3-axis VR. Just add the optional Mount Adapter FTZ and you’re good to go.

Portable Cinematic Powerhouse
Made for video.

Full Frame 4K Ultra HD
Amazing productions start here.
Capture cinematic 16:9 4K UHD/30p video in full-frame using the total width and resolution of the Z 6’s backside-illuminated sensor. Full-pixel readout for sharper 4K footage with rich information equivalent to 6K. Clean output at high ISO. Zero crop factor with full-frame NIKKOR Z and F-Mount NIKKOR lenses. Focus Peaking in both 4K and 1080p recording. Simultaneous 8MP stills5. This is 4K as it was meant to be.

4K Time-Lapse
Travel through time.
Shoot up to 9,999 full resolution stills using Interval Timer (and zero shutter vibration), then combine them into one 4K movie with 3rd party software. Or create time-lapse sequences right in the camera with exposure smoothing and extended low-light metering range—great for star trails and light painting.

New N-Log With View Assist
Maximum detail, viewable in-camera.
N-LOG format preserves more detail, up to 12 stops of dynamic range, shadows and highlights to make color grading more precise in post. For easier spot checking of focus and exposure, the new View Assist function displays simple gradation compensation, highly useful for confirming the final look of the footage.

Nikon N-Log 3D LUT
Capture extraordinary details in your videos with 10 bit N-Log to take advantage of the dynamic range of the image sensor and then apply Nikon’s N-Log 3D LUT (lookup table) to the footage to recreate the color accuracy that Nikon is known for.  The LUT is available for the Rec. 709 color space and makes color grading a snap in Adobe Premier Pro CC, Apple Final Cut Pro X or Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 15. This LUT enables adjustment of brightness, saturation and hue.

New 10-Bit HDMI Output
What’s the difference between 8-bit and 10-bit recording? Only about 1 billion more colors (64X more data)—so much more flexibility in post-processing. Record directly to an optional external recorder with 10-bit output via HDMI, the industry standard. Simultaneously record uncompressed 8-bit 4K UHD movie files to the memory card and an external recorder. (Atomos Open Protocol supported for syncing start/stop.)

Smooth, Quiet AF
The speed, smoothness and accuracy of the Z 6’s AF system is ideal for video. It’s virtually silent, very little chance it will be picked up by an external mic. When used with NIKKOR Z lenses, "breathing" and "wobbling" are all but eliminated. You can even touch to focus using the LCD for fast transitions between subjects.

Expanded Versatility
Creativity meets innovation.

New Z Mount

17% larger internal diameter than Nikon’s acclaimed F Mount. Wider than any full-frame mount available6. It totally changes what’s possible with lens design. Enhanced low-light performance. Even illumination from corner-to-corner. Maximum apertures as wide as f/0.95. Faster data transfer between camera and lens. This is the ideal balance between mount diameter, large image sensor and flange focal distance.

12 FPS Shooting
Built for speed.
Shoot up to 12 FPS at full resolution in Hi+ mode (12-bit RAW or JPEG) without the need for an external battery pack. When speed matters—and it always matters—you’ll catch the shots others might miss.

ISO 51,200 (Expandable To 204,800)
The Z 6’s 24.5MP image sensor along with the Z Mount’s light gathering potential and flawless EXPEED 6 noise reduction free you to capture beautiful photos and videos at extremely high ISO settings—up to ISO 51,200 (expandable to ISO 204,800).

ISO 51,200 (Expandable To 204,800)
The Z 6’s 24.5MP image sensor along with the Z Mount’s light gathering potential and flawless EXPEED 6 noise reduction free you to capture beautiful photos and videos at extremely high ISO settings—up to ISO 51,200 (expandable to ISO 204,800).

Silent Mode
A great advantage of a mirrorless design is the ability to shoot in near silence. Quietly capture important moments during recitals, weddings, newborn photography…anywhere silence is golden.

Connections? It’s got a few.

Built-In Wi-Fi®
Transfer images to compatible smart devices 2X faster than previously possible—up to 25 mbps. Choose between the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands for optimum transfer speeds7

Built-In Bluetooth Low Energy
The Z 6 can automatically connect whenever your compatible smart device is in range. Send original resolution JPEGs or have the camera automatically transfer 2MB versions of your photos as you shoot them.

Remote Shooting
With SnapBridge version 2.5, you can also use your compatible smartphone as a remote monitor and controller. Touch focus, adjust settings like exposure mode, white balance and more, then fire the shutter.

New USB Battery Charging
For the first time in a full-frame Nikon camera, you can charge the Z 6’s new EN-EL15b battery in the camera through a standard USB-C connection—from your computer, a wall outlet or other charging device8. Already have EN-EL15a/EN-EL15 batteries9? They work with the Z 6, too.

New Connectivity Option
Connect to a Mac or PC over Wi-Fi and wirelessly transfer RAW, JPEG and movie files. Two modes available: Camera Access Point mode, for connecting directly to a PC, and Station (STA) mode, for connecting over a router10

Remote Shooting and RF Speedlight Control
Capture and create remotely.
Take control of the light with any compatible Nikon Speedlight. Use the optional WR-R10 Wireless Remote Controller for wirelessly controlling SB-5000 Speedlights from another room, around corners or outdoors in bright sunlight. Advanced Wireless Lighting using optically controlled Speedlights like the SB-700 and SB-500 is also possible. For remote shooting, the WR-1 and WR-R10 Wireless Remote Controllers can be used.

Over 20 Extra D850 Features
You name it. It’s got it.

Need more? Focus Peaking, Slow Motion Video, WT-7 transferring, Advanced Scene Recognition, RAW Batch Processing, Square Format (1:1), Silent Interval Timer, Electronic Front Curtain Shutter, Silent Photography, Audio Attenuator and more.

3. Fujifilm X-T3 35mmF1.4 Silver

4 Pilihan Kamera Mirrorless 20 Jutaan 2019, Canon EOS RP, Nikon Z6, Fujifilm X-T3 35mmF1.4 Silver, Sony α7S E-mount Camera with Full-Frame Sensor

Rp 25.499.000

Fitur :
Garansi Resmi 1 Tahun Fujifilm Indonesia
  • 26.1MP APS-C X-Trans BSI CMOS 4 Sensor
  • X-Processor 4 with Quad CPU
  • UHD 4K60 Video; F-Log Gamma & 10-Bit Out
  • 2.16m-Point Phase-Detection Autofocus
  • 0.75x 3.69m-Dot OLED Viewfinder
  • 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Tilting LCD Touchscreen
  • Extended ISO 80-51200, 30 fps Shooting
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi; Sports Finder Mode
  • Weather-Sealed Magnesium-Alloy Body
Designed for videographers and action photographers alike, the black FUJIFILM X-T3 is a versatile mirrorless camera characterized by its high-speed performance, more-than-capable imaging, and multimedia flexibility. Revolving around a newly developed image sensor and processor, both high-resolution stills and 4K video can be recorded while an apt autofocus system delivers quick and accurate focusing performance. The sensor, a 26.1MP APS-C-format X-Trans CMOS 4, features a back-illuminated design, to promote greater image quality throughout the sensitivity range, along with an expansive 2.16m-point phase-detection autofocus system for quick, precise AF performance and subject tracking. Complementing the imaging and focusing is the X-Processor 4, which uses four CPUs for faster image processing as well as continuous shooting up to 11 fps with a mechanical shutter, 30 fps shooting at a 1.25x crop and electronic shutter, and internal 4K60p 10-bit video recording.

4. Sony α7S E-mount Camera with Full-Frame Sensor

4 Pilihan Kamera Mirrorless 20 Jutaan 2019, Canon EOS RP, Nikon Z6, Fujifilm X-T3 35mmF1.4 Silver, Sony α7S E-mount Camera with Full-Frame Sensor

Rp 26.999.000

Fitur :
12.2MP 35mm full-frame sensor gives top image quality
A huge 35mm full frame sensor offers 50x more surface area than a conventional compact camera sensor. The larger suface area means vastly better sensitivity for low-light shooting as well as fine control over depth of field. Paired with great optics, Sony's full frame sensor is ideal for creative, commercial, and landscape photography.

Ultra-high sensitivity up to ISO 409600
Expand your still and movie capabilities with the ultra-high sensitivity range from ISO 50 to 409600 for still images and 100 to 409600 for movies. High ISO lets you choose to shoot without unnatural flash illumination and allows faster shutter speeds (to freeze motion) even in low light--ideal for sports on an overcast day.

BIONZ™ X for superior detail and texture
All digital cameras need to convert the light captured by their sensor to a beautiful digital photograph. The engine that powers this conversion is just as important as your lens and a high-resolution sensor--so Sony developed the remarkable BIONZ(tm) X processor, allowing more natural details, more realistic images, richer tonal gradations, and lower noise while shooting both photos and movies.

Multiple recording formats provide video versatility
Shoot to suit, with a range of video formats available. Capture using the high bitrate AVCHD or XAVC S codec for editing and playback on big screens; or choose the MP4 mode for quick uploading and sharing. Capture motion at up to 24p frame rates for dramatic slow motion possibilities.

High-quality video with the XAVC S format
The high-bit-rate XAVC S format is provided for videographers ready to take their work to the next level. Delivering incredible quality, XAVC S is built from the XAVC format used by professional movie makers and broadcasters, while employing intelligent data compression to bring about consumer-friendly editing and file sizes.

Full-frame filmmaking capability
Professional quality moviemaking in the palm of your hand. Capture stunning images, even in low light thanks to the premium Exmor CMOS sensor. Then enjoy the flexibility to add external audio capture plus off-board video monitoring and recording, all designed to put professional creation in reach of anyone.

Clean HDMI output
Monitor and capture uncompressed video using the clean HDMI output. Simultaneously record video to onboard memory cards in playback-friendly compressed formats, as well as to an external recorder in your choice of formats and bitrates, for ultimate professional production flexibility.

Professional gamma setting
The S-Log2 is a proprietary Sony gamma setting featured in commercial video equipment, and incorporated here. Invaluble for professionals seeking post-production flexibility, this preset Picture Profile offers up to 14 stops of dynamic range - enough latitude to capture all the detail in both deep shadow and bright sunlight.

120fps at HD resolution for super slo-mo video
When shooting movies in the Super-35mm equivalent (APS-C) crop mode, this camera supports high-frame-rate 120fps shooting at HD resolution (1280 x 720 pixels). This remarkable capability broadens your expressive options since a movie shot at this frame rate can be played back at 24p to create stunning 5x slow-motion effects.

Picture Profile for pre-shoot settings
Fine-tune the look of your movies before shooting by adjusting gradation (black level, gamma and black gamma), color adjustment (color mode, intensity, color tone and depth), basic color (gamma and color mode) and more. Adjusted parameters can be saved along with other settings as a profile, and up to seven profiles can be stored for later recall.

Pro-level time code and user bit video functions
An essential tool on multi-camera shoots, timecode dramatically speeds up editing where several cameras need to be syncronised. Both Record Run, which advances timecode only while recording, and Free Run, with continuous timecode advancement are supported. Additionally a User Bit feature lets you add identifying information (such as scene and take numbers) alongside the timecode.

Comprehensive anti-dust system
To keep your photos blemish free, an anti-dust mechanism vibrates ultrasonically whenever you switch off the camera--thus removing any particles adhering to the image sensor. Additionally, an anti-static coating helps prevent dust settling on the sensor during lens changes.

See settings with the XGA OLED Tru-Finder
Preview your camera settings and effects in real-time even when using the viewfinder. Unlike optical viewfinders, you can compose black and white photos or preview exposure adjustments before pressing the shutter. Plus, features like 100% frame coverage, wide viewing angle, information display modes, peaking function, and focus magnification will significantly enhance how you shoot.

Enhanced Fast Hybrid Autofocus captures action
Enhanced Fast Hybrid Autofocus (AF) is comprised of a number of features: Phase-detection AF (bringing the subject into focus), contrast-detection AF (fine-tuning focus points), and Spatial Object Detection (which estimates subject movement). They all work together seamlessly to let you capture a fast-moving subject with perfect sharpness.

Audio recording and monitoring functions
During movie recording and playback, you can directly monitor sound using the built-in headphone jack. On-screen audio level monitoring is also available, or connect to professional microphones and audio mixers with the optional XLR terminal adaptor kit.

Substantial, ergonomic grip
The α7s is 25% less bulky than leading DSLRs, but still features a full-size grip for all-day shooting comfort.

High dust and moisture resistance 3
Durability-enhancing measures engineered into the design include sealing around the buttons and dials, as well as a protective double-layered body structure that tightly interlocks panels and components.

Tiltable LCD screen for flexible composition
High resolution screen with tilt capability allows perfect framing of otherwise impossible over-head or low-angle shots.

One-touch remote and one-touch sharing
One-touch remote lets you use your smartphone or tablet as a viewfinder and remote control for a digital camera, and one-touch sharing lets you transfer your photos and videos from your camera. Either way, by installing Imaging Edge Mobile app4 to your NFC enable Android smartphone or tablet, you can avoid complex set-up sequences and establish wireless connection simply by touching your device to the camera. You are now ready to control your camera from your smartphone to take a photo from a previously out-of-reach spot, or simply be in your own group shot, as well as transfer them instantly to your smartphone for sharing on SNS. No NFC? No problem. You can also pair the devices manually.

See your options: Quick Navi Pro and custom buttons
Quick Navi Pro displays all major shooting options on the LCD screen so you can rapidly confirm settings and make adjustments as desired without searching through dedicated menus. Button customization lets you shoot just the way you like, with frequently used functions assigned to the customizable buttons of your choice.

Strong and light magnesium alloy body
Thanks to using magnesium alloy, the world's lightest structural metal, the α7s weighs 489 grams with battery—far lighter that other high-performance cameras—but has the durability for years of performance.

Imaging Edge™ Remote, Viewer, and Edit
Elevate your photography with Imaging Edge desktop applications. Use "Remote" to control and monitor shooting live on your PC screen; "Viewer" to quickly preview, rate, and select photos from large image libraries; and "Edit" to develop RAW data into high-quality photos for delivery. Get the best from Sony RAW files, and manage your productions more efficiently.7

Works with iMovie and Final Cut Pro X
This product is compatible with Final Cut Pro X and iMovie. 6

Capture One (for Sony)5

Capture One Express (for Sony) is free software for high-quality finishing of RAW data. Capture One Pro (for Sony) can be bought for such compatible functions as local adjustment and PC tethered shooting.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

3 Drone Pilihan 2019

1. Parrot ANAFI FPV


Rp 15.466.227

Fitur :
  • 3X ZOOM
  • 180° TILT
ANAFI FPV is designed for explorers but also for dreamers. The camera experience is a new paradigm for aerial photographers and videographers, providing a unique “cocoon” for immersive photography and in-depth image controls. The full array of ANAFI’s manual camera settings are available in FPV mode – full sensations guaranteed.

Photographers can enjoy total immersion in the on-screen image, exploring new techniques for shot composition – then seamlessly toggle into deep image controls to fine-tune photos and videos. Manual settings such as shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and exposure compensation – and advanced features such as an image histogram and “zebra” exposure assistance overlay – are customizable and easily displayed by opening the settings using the button on the Cockpit glasses.

Two new flight presets join ANAFI’s exciting menu of options, designed to help pilots of every level capture stunning videos with ease. Available in FreeFlight 6.6, the new additions allow ANAFI FPV pilots to expand their creativity at the tap of a touchscreen.

Cinematic preset
With the Cinematic preset, you can capture smooth and dramatic footage that looks like you’re behind the controls of a glider. The horizontal axis of the 4K HDR camera is locked to the tilt of the drone, and footage shows every majestic bank and turn in your flight.

Racing preset
While the Cinematic preset is built for stable and fluid motion, the Racing preset will get your adrenaline pumping! The horizontal axis is also locked to the tilt of your drone, but this preset is built for speed instead of smoothness: Your videos will have a more-aggressive look as ANAFI bobs and weaves through the air at high speed.

Along with the launch of ANAFI FPV, FreeFlight 6.6 will also introduce a new revolutionary flight mode designed for simple and intuitive flight controls!

In Arcade Mode, flying is as simple as pointing the camera in the right direction. The Skycontroller 3’s left joystick controls the camera, which allows you to view in any direction, while the right joystick controls the movement of the drone. By holding forward on the right joystick, the drone will travel in the direction the camera is pointe

Included with the new ANAFI FPV is a brand new ANAFI Backpack, which doubles as a stable platform to prepare and launch your drone right in front of you. That means you no longer need to put your drone down on snow-covered slopes, mud and dirt, or rugged terrain as you prepare for launch.

The new backpack extends ANAFI FPV as the ultimate go-anywhere drone. ANAFI FPV’s one-of-a-kind folding design, lightweight body, and superb battery life with USB-C charging on the go complement its outstanding image quality, easy-to-use modes and presets, versatile manual controls, and groundbreaking

An immersive revolution

Experience in a new way your flights with Anafi FPV:
• Live video from ANAFI’s 180-degree camera produces thrilling immersion in the Cockpit glasses
• Unique FPV modes for aerial photographers combine total immersion with unprecedented control
• New flight presets and modes deliver jaw-dropping visuals, creative freedom, and non-stop fun



Rp 14.143.365

Fitur :
A marvel of engineering and design, the Mavic Air was built to go wherever adventure takes you. Inheriting the best of the Mavic series, this ultraportable and foldable drone features high-end flight performance and functionality for limitless exploration.
  • 32 MP Sphere Panoramas
  • Foldable & Portable
  • 3-Axis Gimbal & 4K Camera
  • 3-Directional Environment Sensing
  • SmartCapture
  • 21-Minute Max Flight Time
3-Axis Gimbal Camera
The Mavic Air is the most portable DJI drone to house a 3-axis mechanical gimbal, with its angular vibration range reduced to 0.005°. Set in a triangular formation, gimbal dampeners help create even steadier shots.

32 MP Sphere Panoramas
In addition to Horizontal, Vertical, and 180° panoramas, the Mavic Air stitches 25 photos together in just eight seconds to create crystal-clear 32 MP Sphere panoramas.1 View them from an immersive perspective with DJI Goggles.

4K 100 Mbps Video
The Mavic Air shoots video at an incredible 4K 30 fps, recording at 100 Mbps to capture every second with UHD quality.

Slow-Motion Video
With support for recording 1080p 120 fps slow-motion video, the Mavic Air captures all your epic high-speed adventures.

HDR Photos
New HDR algorithms help you obtain the right exposure settings intelligently, according to lighting conditions. Overexposed or dark areas are processed for more natural transitions between highlights and shadows, while DSP acceleration allows for more efficient shooting.

12 MP Stills
The Mavic Air’s onboard camera integrates a 1/2.3”
12-megapixel CMOS sensor and an f/2.8 lens with a
35-mm equivalent focal length of 24 mm to shoot high-quality photos and videos.

8 GB Internal Storage
In addition to a Micro SD card slot, 8 GB of internal storage let you save photos and videos directly to
the aircraft and export files through its USB 3.0
Type-C port.

Geometric Elegance
Expressing geometric precision, the Mavic Air's arms fold flush against its aerodynamic chassis. Magnesium alloy brackets reinforce the seven onboard cameras, rear vents dissipate heat efficiently, and the primary gimbal camera is recessed for
better protection.

3D Foldable Design
As tall and wide as a smartphone when folded, the Mavic Air is an ultraportable drone that stretches the boundaries of what's possible for a device its size.

Foldable Remote Controller
The dedicated remote controller uses a foldable, low-profile, ergonomic design to hold your smartphone for maximum convenience. Detachable control sticks store inside the remote controller to pack more comfortably on the go.

ActiveTrack can sense up to 16 selectable subjects simultaneously,2 letting you choose the right tracking subject. With higher tracking precision and broader scenario applications, ActiveTrack follows targets even when they're running, jumping, or cycling.

Choose from six different QuickShots — Rocket, Dronie, Circle, Helix, Asteroid, and Boomerang. All are just a tap away and will get you those epic selfie drone videos without needing to think about composing your shot. Share your new creations to social media through the DJI GO 4 app instantly.

Fun, simple, and intuitive, SmartCapture offers a new and interactive way of controlling the Mavic Air by hand. Launch and control the drone with hand gestures, then take photos or videos however you like.

If you want to focus on just your shot, select TapFly in DJI GO 4, which lets you fly wherever you tap on your mobile device screen. TapFly works in Forward, Backward, Free, and Coordinate modes, and you can adjust flight speed to suit all your aerial needs.

FlightAutonomy 2.0
Using advanced VIO technology, the powerful sensor system in FlightAutonomy 2.0 consists of a primary gimbal camera, forward, backward, and downward dual-vision sensors, downward infrared sensing system, IMU redundancies, and a group of computing cores. Together, they collect and transmit information from the surrounding environment to the high-performance processor for more precise hovering and better flight performance. Advanced Pilot Assistance Systems (APAS) allow the aircraft to bypass obstacles in front of and behind it actively. Your grand adventures of discovery have never been so safe and easy.

3. Autel EVO


Rp 14.058.927

Fitur :
The Evolution of flight has arrived. EVO is a compact folding unit designed to go wherever your adventure takes you. Equipped on the front EVO offers a powerful camera on a 3-axis stabilize gimbal that records video at 4k resolution up to 60 frames per second and a recording speed up to 100mbps in an H.264 or H.265 codec. Using real-glass optics EVO captures stunning photos at 12 megapixels with a wide dynamic range for more details and color. Integrated advanced computer vision systems provide forward obstacle avoidance, rear obstacle detection and bottom sensors for more accurate landings and stable indoor flights.  EVO boasts flight times up to 30 minutes with a range of 4.3 miles (7KM). Additionally, EVO offers failsafe features letting you know when the battery is low and it’s time to return to home. 

EVO includes a remote controller which houses a 3.3-inch OLED screen providing you with critical flight information or a live 720p HD video feed letting you see the camera view without the need for a mobile device. 

Download the free Autel Explorer app available for Apple iOS or Android devices and connect to the remote controller and gain access to more advanced settings and autonomous flight features like Dynamic Track, Viewpoint, Orbit, VR first person view and Waypoint mission planning. 

What's in the box :
  • EVO aircraft
  • Remote Controller
  • Power Cable
  • Charger
  • Micro-USB Cable
  • USB-C Cable
  • Intelligent battery with 30 minutes of flight time per charge
  • Propellers (3 total pairs)
  • 32-GB MicroSD card to record 1-hour of 4K video