Friday, 5 June 2020

3 Printer 3 Jutaan 2020

1. Canon PIXMA G5070

Printer, Canon, HP, Brother, Принтер,  打印机

Printer dengan Wadah Tinta Isi Ulang untuk Pencetakan Volume Tinggi
Didesain untuk pencetakan volume tinggi dengan biaya ringan, printer foto ringkas dan nirkabel berperforma tinggi ini secara mengagumkan memadukan keringkasan dan serangkaian pilihan pencetakan yang lengkap untuk digunakan di rumah atau di kantor skala kecil.

Kecepatan cetak Standar ISO (A4): hingga 13,0ipm hitam / 6,8 ipm warna
Hi-speed USB 2.0, Wireless, Wired LAN, Wireless/Wired LAN Pictbridge, Mopria, AirPrint, Direct Wireless
Volume cetak yang direkomendasikan: 150 hingga 1.500 halaman

Botol Tinta Kapasitas Banyak
Dengan botol tinta kapasitas banyak , hingga 8.300 halaman (B/W) dan 7.700 halaman (warna), pengguna bisa menikmati pencetakan tanpa mencemaskan biaya tinta, atau ketika persediaan tinta hampir habis.

Desain Botol Tinta Anti Tumpah
Botol tinta benar-benar anti tumpah, dengan desain ujung  dan wadah botol yang unik. Pengisian tinta berhenti secara otomatis  saat permukaan cairan menyentuh lubang udara wadah tinta.

Pencetakan Bolak-Balik Otomatis
nikmati produktivitas dan kenyamanan dengan menghasilkan cetakan 2 sisi secara otomatis.

Pengumpanan Kertas 2- cara
Menerima pemuatan kertas dalam 2 cara  (kaset depan dan tray belakang) sehingga printer selalu siap mencetak 2 jenis atau ukuran media yang berbeda setiap saat.

Pencetakan Seluler dan Cloud
Mencetak dari smartphone, tablet seluler dan laptop dengan aplikasi gratis yang dapat Anda unduh, seperti Canon Print Inkjet/SELPHY, dan Canon Easy-PhotoPrint Editor.

Pencetakan Foto Tanpa Batas Tepi
Printer mendukung pencetakan foto tanpa batas tepi sehingga Anda dapat melihat dan berbagi foto yang tanpa tepi foto.

2. HP Smart Tank 615 Wireless All-in-One

Printer, Canon, HP, Brother, Принтер,  打印机

Sistem Tangki Tinta
Mudah isi ulang tangki tinta dengan botol yang anti-tumpah dan dapat disegel kembali1.

ADF 35 halaman
Fotokopi dan pindai dengan cepat menggunakan pengumpan dokumen otomatis 35 halaman.

Pencetakan Bervolume Tinggi
Dapatkan hingga 8.000 halaman berwarna atau hingga 6.000 halaman hitam putih2.

Aplikasi HP Smart
Bekerja dari mana pun – cetak, pindai, dan fotokopi dari ponsel Anda3.

Pencetakan volume tinggi dengan biaya per lembar sangat murah
Dapatkan hingga 6000 halaman hitam putih / 8000 warna

Kualitas cetak menakjubkan
Dapatkan teks yang gelap dan jelas serta warna yang tajam untuk semua hasil cetakan Anda.

Cetak foto anti-pudar yang tahan bertahun-tahun

Buat brosur, pamflet, foto, dan lainnya tanpa tepi.

Tidak berantakan, tidak ada limbah dengan Sistem Tangki Tinta
Memulihkan level tinta dengan botol yang dapat disegel kembali dan sistem isi ulang kami yang bebas tumpah.

Pemeliharaan tinta mudah

Tidak akan pernah kehabisan tinta lagi dengan sensor tinta otomatis.

Tugas Pintar
Hapuskan langkah-langkah dalam tugas berulang dengan pintasan yang dapat disesuaikan.

Tetap terhubung dengan kecepatan tinggi
Wi-Fi dual-band - Koneksi lebih cepat dan lebih andal hingga 2X lipat

Didesain dengan tampilan bagus
Tangki ringkas yang terintegrasi dan desain hemat ruang.

3. Brother DCP-T510W
Printer, Canon, HP, Brother, Принтер,  打印机
Print, Scan & Copy dengan Built-in Wireless. Wifi-Direct, Direct Mobile Print/Scan. Cetak hemat berkualitas dengan Ultra-high 6500 page yield (tinta hitam) / 5000 page yield (tinta warna). Flexible paper handling dengan Default Paper Tray & 1-sheet Manual Feed Slot. Cetak borderless. Kami mempersembahkan fitur multi-fungsi yang cocok untuk penggunaan di rumah maupun bisnis kecil dengan volume cetak yang tinggi.
Nikmati fasilitas cetak tanpa khawatir soal biaya dan tingkatkan kualitas cetak Anda ke level professional dengan hasil teks yang jelas dan gambar yang jernih.

Mencetak dengan Kecepatan Tinggi
Dengan kecepatan cetak dokumen hingga 12/6ipm*, printer Brother mempercepat alur kerja Anda dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. Mulai dari cetak dokumen laporan professional hingga brosur yang menarik, Brother dapat dipercaya untuk menciptakan materi cetak berkualitas untuk kesan yang tepat.

*Berdasarkan ISO/IEC 24734. Untuk info lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi

Bekerja Secara Efisien
Kini berbagai opsi cetak variatif dimungkinkan dengan paper tray yang muat hingga 150 lembar kertas dan dapat disesuaikan untuk berbagai ukuran kertas, serta dengan tambahan single-slot manual.

Lebih Hemat
Kurangi biaya cetak per halaman dengan tinta ultra high-yield dari Brother. Sistem refill tintanya mudah dan dapat mencetak hingga 6500* halaman hitam-putih dan 5000* halaman berwarna. Tinta kami sangat terjangkau dan sangat aman digunakan sehingga umur mesin dan printhead bisa lebih panjang.

**Perkiraan data yields didapat dari metodologi orisinil Brother menggunakan Test Pattern ISO/IEC 24712. Perkiraan data yields tidak berdasarkan ISO/IEC 24711.

Refill Mudah dan Akurat
Sistem refill tinta Brother dilengkapi dengan tutup transparan sehingga level tinta inktank dapat dicek dengan mudah. Dirancang khusus untuk meminimalisir resiko tumpah dan bocor.

Produktivitas Berlipat Ganda
Printer Brother dilengkapi dengan fitur LCD 1 baris dan panel kontrol untuk mempermudah navigasi menu pengaturan cetak. Juga terdapat solusi pesan error di layar secara langsung bila terjadi kesalahan.

Cetak dari Mana Saja
Dengan opsi konektivitas yang fleksibel, printer kami dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan semua lingkungan kerja. Terdapat built-in Wi-Fi yang memungkinkan penggunaan bersama grup kerja Anda, ditambah kemudahan cetak wireless dari laptop, handphone maupun tablet.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

3 Compact Camera Murah

1. Sony DSC-W810

3 Cheap Compact Cameras, 3 Compact Camera Murah, Sony, Canon, Nikon, 3 дешевые компактные камеры

Fun, fast photography
Capture everything from nights out to scenic holiday snaps; the W810 is packed with features that make it easy to shoot fun, clear photos and HD video. Take detailed close-ups using 6x optical zoom while Party Mode makes it easy to shoot great photos on a night out.

It’s all in the detail
Effortlessly capture the beauty in every scene. A high-resolution 20.1MP image sensor works with built-in autofocus to ensure sharp, finely detailed results even when locking into focus. That’s something your smartphone just can't match.

Get up close and personal with 6x zoom
If your subject is faraway, bring it to you with 6x optical zoom that captures the scene in precise detail.

The life of the party
Party Mode is perfect for a night out. It combines an advanced flash optimised settings for ISO, exposure and chromatic intensity, for bright, clear shots, particularly when people are dancing the night away.

Shoot and share HD movies
Hit the movie button to shoot smooth 720p HD video clips, then play them back instantly to re-live the moment with friends.

Smooth and steady
Enjoy crisp, clear photos and movies even when zooming. SteadyShot™ uses a buffer area around the edge of the sensor to compensate for camera shake.

See the bigger picture with 360° Sweep Panorama
The camera automatically stitches together a high-speed burst of frames to create full panorama shots that capture an entire scene.

2. Nikon COOLPIX A100

3 Cheap Compact Cameras, 3 Compact Camera Murah, Sony, Canon, Nikon, 3 дешевые компактные камеры

Meet your latest pocket-size photography companion, the 20.1-megapixel*1 A100. With a chic design and an ultra-compact body, the A100 lets you preserve cherished memories wherever you go. The 5x optical zoom and 10x Dynamic Fine zoom*2 put the power of detailed close-ups right at your fingertips. With a host of auto shooting functions to make shooting a breeze, this stylish camera lets you bring out the best in every photo.

From a toddler’s day out at the park to a first road trip adventure, keeping your subject in the center of attention has never been easier. Auto shooting features such as Scene Auto Selector and Target Finding autofocus (AF) work to ensure your subjects are always sharp and accurately captured. The A100 also makes the best of every moment with its 20.1-megapixel*1 image sensor, 5x optical zoom and 10x Dynamic Fine zoom*2. For events that deserve more than just a photo, record them in HD video (720p format) with a simple push of a button.

Add a personal touch to your images during or after shooting with 8 special effects and 6 quick effects. The new intuitive Creative slider also gives you precise control over effects adjustment so you can be sure that every photograph is picture-perfect.

Measuring a mere 19.8mm (depth) with lens fully retracted and weighing at approximately 119g (including battery and SD card), the A100 boasts a slim profile that is nifty for captures on the go. With long-lasting battery life that takes up to 250 images or approximately 65 minutes of HD movie recording, you can count on the A100 to be there at every photo-worthy moment.

3. Canon IXUS 185

Pocket-size camera at superb quality
The 8x optical zoom with a 20.0-megapixel and a DIGIC 4+ image processor makes capturing sharp and high resolution images in a breeze. Plus, with the Digital IS, shooting of images are almost shake-free even at high zoom lengths to get clear and vivid quality. In addition to the camera advance’s technology detects optimal settings and boasts ease in operation to simply point and shoot.

- 20.0 megapixels
- 8x optical zoom (28 - 224) with 16x ZoomPlus
- Easy mode and date stamp feature

3 Cheap Compact Cameras, 3 Compact Camera Murah, Sony, Canon, Nikon, 3 дешевые компактные камеры

20.0 Megapixels and 8x Optical zoom
This slim and stylish IXUS 185 runs on the DIGIC 4+ image processor with a high resolution 20.0-megapixel sensor. Featuring an 8x optical zoom, you can easily capture every moment, near or far, in superb quality photos and movies. With Canon's unique ZoomPlus technology, the zoom factor can be further extended to 16x zoom which allows user to capture far off subject with beautiful details.

Fun shooting modes
Packed with various shooting modes such as fish-eye effect, miniature effect, toy camera effect, monochrome, super vivid, poster effect, firework, and long shutter, you now have the flexibility to vary your shooting expressions with minimal tweaking of settings.

Smart Features - Easy Auto and Date Stamp
The Easy Auto feature can be activated by pressing and holding on to the dedicated button, allowing you to disable FUNC.SET, MENU and INFO buttons to not get lost in menu pages, and thus preventing unnecessary mistaken operations. With a Date stamp feature which can be activated at one click, you can now recall memories at a glance, by looking at the date and time printed on each photo.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

2 Smart Band Pilihan 2020

1. HUAWEI Band 4

2 Smart Band Pilihan 2020

Desain Muda Memenuhi Kenyamanan Ergonomis
Layaknya percikan warna penuh gaya, HUAWEI Band 4 tersedia dalam Amber Sunrise dan Graphite Black. Layar sentuh berwarna-warni 2,5D menawarkan Anda dengan pengalaman visual yang menakjubkan, antarmuka yang menarik dan pemberitahuan pesan pintar.

Setiap Sisi Unik Anda
Ekspresikan diri Anda dengan memberikan perangkat Anda berbagai kepribadian yang Anda miliki.
HUAWEI Watch Face Store1 menawarkan berbagai macam tampilan jam dengan berbagai gaya olahraga, kartun, kecerdasan, dan teknologi canggih untuk pilihan Anda. Ubah gaya sesuai dengan suasana hati Anda.

Pengisian Daya Mudah, Penggunaan Lebih Lama
Bebaskan Anda dari berbagai kabel dan pengisi daya. Steker USB bawaan HUAWEI Band 4 cocok untuk pengisi daya USB umum sehingga Anda mengisi dayanya di mana saja dan kapan saja.2 Pengisian tunggal memberi daya pada band dengan lebih dari 6 hari waktu penggunaan.3

Deteksi Saturasi Oksigen
Saturasi oksigen darah (SpO2) adalah salah satu tanda vital penting untuk mengetahui pasokan oksigen ke tubuh. HUAWEI Band 4 didukung pengukuran level SpO2 satu kali, membantu Anda mendeteksi tingkat oksigen dalam darah kapan pun dan di mana pun Anda butuhkan.4

Pelacakan Detak Jantung Cerdas
Berkat perangkat optik profesional, chip pemrosesan, dan algoritma AI, HUAWEI TruSeenTM 3,5 memantau detak jantung Anda dengan akurat. Ini juga memberikan pengingat cerdas melalui getaran jika detak jantung Anda melebihi denyut jantung rata-rata maksimum5. Dalam mode malam, cahaya yang tak terlihat memastikan lebih sedikit gangguan untuk tidur Anda yang lebih baik.

Peduli Anda, Tidur Lebih Baik
Tidur yang sehat adalah dasar untuk hidup sehat. HUAWEI TruSleepTM 2.0 melacak detak jantung Anda saat tidur untuk mengenali empat fase dan menganalisis kualitas tidur. Mengidentifikasi lebih dari 6 jenis masalah tidur, juga memberikan saran6 untuk membantu Anda menikmati tidur yang lebih baik.

Menjadi Aktif. Tetap aktif.
Lari Luar / Dalam Ruangan, Berjalan Luar / Dalam Ruangan, Outdoor / Indoor cycle7, Elips, Pendayung, Latihan bebas. Pilih latihan dengan nyaman dari sembilan mode dan lacak latihan Anda. HUAWEI Band 4 memberikan hasil data terperinci seperti detak jantung, zona detak jantung, langkah, jarak, kecepatan, kalori dan banyak lagi. Jadi, Anda dapat menyesuaikan diri untuk olahraga atau pelatihan yang lebih baik.

Asisten Kehidupan di Pergelangan Tangan Anda
Pemberitahuan pesan atau panggilan telepon, Find My Phone, Remote Shutter8, semuanya dengan satu sentuhan jari ke pergelangan tangan Anda. Jalani kehidupan yang efisien dengan HUAWEI Band 4.

2. Mi Smart Band 4

2 Smart Band Pilihan 2020

Mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih lebar, lebih warna/i tepat di pergelanganmu

Layar sentuh AMOLED berwarna
dengan lebih cerah dan 39,9% lebih besar.

Menampilkan panggilan, teks, notifikasi aplikasi, musik yang sedang didengar dengan instan. Semua menjadi lebih mudah.

Pelatih pribadimu selalu di sampingmu di setiap langkah.

Battle ropes
Saat sedang latihan battle rope kecepatan tinggi atau battle rope aerobik, Mi Smart Band 4 akan memantau detak jantung, kalori yang terbakar, dan lainnya.

Memantau tempo langkah dan jumlah langkah Menjaga latihan olahraga yang aman, baik saat lari jarak dekat maupun jarak jauh.

5 ATM tahan air hingga 50m Mengenali 5 gaya renang Mencatat 12 set data termasuk tempo renang dan hitungan stroke

Jalan sehat
5 data utama Membantumu meningkatkan efisiensi jalan sehat

Lihat detak jantungmu saat itu untuk memastikan kamu memperoleh hasil olahraga yang terbaik saat di jalan gunung yang menanjak atau bersepeda di jalan biasa.

Meningkatkan energi setiap harimu, dimulai dari memahami pola tidurmu

Memantau tidur
Memantau tidur ringan dan lelap dengan akurat, serta detak jantung selama tidur untuk membantumu mengatur pola tidur.

Alarm pada band
Getaran ringan untuk membangunkanmu. Bangun di pagi hari menjadi lebih nyaman.

Aplikasi Mi Fit
Mencatat data kesehatanmu agar dapat membuatmu menjadi lebih bugar.

24/7 Memantau detak jantung, menjaga keamanan dan kesehatanmu.

24/7 Memantau detak jantung
Menjaga kesehatanmu setiap saat. Memberi peringatan saat detak jantungmu terlalu tinggi.

Peringatan diam
Kamu akan memperoleh pengingat untuk bangun dari tempat duduk dan mulai bergerak.

Selalu berada di sampingmu untuk 20 hari, hanya dengan 1x pengisian daya.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

3 HP dibawah 3 Juta 2020

1. Realme 5 Pro

3 HP dibawah 3 Juta 2020

Ultra Wide-angle and Ultra Clear Lens 48MP AI Quad Camera
Dare to leap to quad camera! realme 5 Pro carries ultra wide-angle macro AI quad camera, allowing users to take photos from multiple perspectives.

Ultra Clear Image Sony 48MP Sensor
Powered by the flagship Sony IMX 586 Sensor, the 48MP pictures shot on realme 5 Pro have a ultra high resolution. The details will not be sacrificed as if all the pixels came into life.

Your Great Company for City Nights Super Clear Nightscapes
With F1.8 ultra large aperture and the half-inch sensor, realme 5 Pro can capture great nightscapes even in low-light condition. When you turn on the Super Nightscape mode, you can take stunning night shots, with the help of multi-frame engine and HDR.

Capture 1.5x Greater 119° Wide-angle Lens
realme 5 Pro gives you the chance to capture a 151% bigger world * . With the help of the Double Lens Distortion Correction Technology (DLDC), you can capture excellent portraits and scenery images.

4cm Ultra Macro Lens Capture Wonders in the Macro World
Let’s go into the macro world with the help of the 4cm focus. Moreover, the F2.4 aperture and bokeh effect let you take more focused and outstanding shots on realme 5 Pro.

Shoot Aesthetic Pictures with the Filter System Portrait Lens
With the massive adjustments upon exposure, color temperature and HSL, and the simulation towards masterpieces, the portrait lens lets you capture more aesthetic photos in retro style.

Stronger than the Predecessor Snapdragon 712 AIE
The processor features high performance and low power consumption with the help of the octa-core 10nm advanced process technology. With the newly upgraded 2.3GHz main frequency, the overall performance has been improved by 10%. The new graphics processing architecture has increased the energy efficiency up to 35% and the third AI engine helps to increase the efficiency in speech recognition and image optimization.

4035mAh Big Battery VOOC Flash Charge 3.0
Thanks to the powerful flash charging, it only takes 1.38 hours to charge realme 5 Pro. Moreover you can even feel the charging speed while playing games. 43% battery can be juiced up after 1-hour gaming, making it 4 times quicker than a normal quick charge.

Nanometer Holographic Color New Crystal Design
New Crystal Design, an upgrade from classical diamond-cutting. After 133 times of polish, realme 5 Pro finally has the nanometer holographic color with the cutting texture. Every angle shines brightly in reflections.

90.6% Screen-to-body Ratio Fullscreen Larger Screen, Wider View
The 6.3-inch(16.0cm) FHD+ display on realme 5 Pro, whose high-precision dispensing process has narrowed the black edge and increased the screen-to-body ratio to 90.6%, offers a wider and clearer view.

Space-inspired Real Design ColorOS 6, Customized by realme
It brings a lot of exclusive new features which make ColorOS easier and more fun. The system supports data sharing limit via portable hotspot, fingerprinting to quickly enter the privacy space, and more interesting AR Core.

Qualified for Real Quality Splash-resistant Design
The airtight waterproof sealing protects all interior and exterior components, including the screen, back cover, and the buttons. The waterproof design has passed the Real Quality test.

2. Samsung Galaxy M21

3 HP dibawah 3 Juta 2020

Infinity-U Display has more screen for more enjoyment
Galaxy M21’s expansive 6.4-inch Infinity-U Display lets you see more of what you love. The Super AMOLED FHD+ technology offers vibrant details for an immersive viewing experience whether you're watching movies, playing your favorite games or multi-tasking.

An ideal blend of sophisticated style and comfort
The streamlined body of Galaxy M21 is made to fit comfortably in your hand. The 2.5D design is modern and the premium glossy finish adds a touch of style. Choose from three colors including Black, Green or Blue.

Triple camera to share your stories
M21’s Triple Camera adds more perspectives to elevate your shots. The 48MP Main Camera takes clear images day and night. An 8MP Ultra Wide Camera captures more of the world in front of you, while the 5MP Depth Camera highlights the subject of your photo by blurring the background.

Capture your world in ultra wide
See more in your photos with the Ultra Wide Camera. The 80° wide angle and 123° ultra wide angle capture the scene as you see it, so you won't miss the moment from where you stand. Now it's even easier to get a great panorama.

A camera to let you explore depth
The 5MP Depth Camera lets you adjust the depth of field before and after you nail the shot. It reduces unwanted background noise from your images to make them look more professional.

A selfie camera to see yourself in a new light
Capture your best angles with Galaxy M21's 20MP front camera. Use Live focus to gently blur the background so all eyes are on you, and get your good side whether you're at a café or at the park.

Performance-boosting hardware for fast speeds and streams
A powerful Octa-core processor and 4GB of RAM to handle your graphic-heavy games and livestreams at fast speeds. With 64GB of internal memory and up to 512GB of external storage, you have plenty of room to stream, download, and post.

Power to get through your day
Whether you are watching movies or video chatting, you need a phone that can keep up. Galaxy M21’s 6,000mAh (typical*) battery lets you spend more time doing what you love, while up to 15W Fast Charging capability delivers more charge in less time.

Game Booster gives you the edge
Maximize performance with Game Booster. Cut distractions and up your game with a dedicated interface and easy-to-reach menu. Frame Booster gives graphics smooth, life-like motion. And play at your best as Game Booster learns your usage patterns to optimize battery, temperature and memory.

Convenient mobile security
Fingerprint sensor
Simplify mobile access with security you can trust. Galaxy M21 features a rear fingerprint scanner that enables you to log on to supported apps and unlock your device with ease.
Face recognition
Unlock your phone with ease and keep your data safe with Galaxy M21’s Face Recognition technology. It enables you to unlock your phone with a glance and protect your personal data.

Keep your device in tip-top condition with us
Enjoy peace of mind when you choose to buy a Galaxy smartphone. The Interactive diagnostics and optimization on Samsung Members app makes it easy to tune up the performance of your devices, while our helpline lets you troubleshoot problems when you need the extra assistance.

3. Redmi Note 8 Pro

3 HP dibawah 3 Juta 2020

64MP Quad camera Flagship level camera Ultra high resolution, display every detail

Providing high resolution photos for poster printing up to as high as 3.26m 64MP ultra high-resolution wide camera Nearly twice the resolution of an 8K display 25 times the display pixel. Zoom in for more detail. Supports 4K video recording, 960fps slow motion video recording.
Capture details with a macro lens 2cm close-up macro lens Super close autofocus capability With a 2cm close-up macro lens, even snail tentacles can be captured clearly.
1.3 times wider views 120 ° ultra wide angle with distortion correction Capture the entire landscape in one shot Activating the ultra wide angle mode changes the display area from 79 ° to 120 °, and more scenes can be taken without changing the shooting position.

20MP selfie camera AI portrait mode with background blur Perfect selfies every time AI Beautify that has been adjusted for taking photos and recording videos. Portrait Mode allows you to adjust the background blur depth and selfie to be more professional.

Gaming processor with LiquidCool technology Wi-Fi X antenna A secret weapon for professional gamers

Helio G90T gaming processor Cortex-A76 architecture Better performance compared to Snapdragon 710
Strong GPU performance Run high intensity games at a high sustained frame rate
4 ℃ - 6 ℃ cooler, ensuring the game can run smoothly LiquidCool Technology Heat dissipation for SoC and IC charging
Prevents blocking of Wi-Fi signals caused by hands in landscape mode Wi-Fi X antenna Provides a blank area for receiving antenna signals
Supports up to 10 hours of game play, 2 hours of charging to full * 4500mAh high capacity battery and supports fast 18W charging Inside the box is an 18W fast charger

Looks and feels like a dream The back with 3D arches on fourth corner Screen-to-body ratio 91.4%

Smooth design The back with 3D arches on all four corners Feels comfortable in your hand

Start with 6G RAM and NFC multifunction Experience flagship, handle all challenges easily

Multifunctional NFC Turn your cellphone into a wallet
Corning® Gorilla® Glass 5 front and back